Started in 1999 as a scientific research at the Wageningen University and Research (WUR, The Netherlands), dr. Tineke Creemers and dr. Willem-Jan Bosma developed valuable new insights on the effect of honey on the wound healing process.
Crucial in this proved to be the composition of the honey used, especially presence of active enzymes and acidity (low pH value). Regular honey from the supermarket may not have the optimal composition, and is often heated, which is unfavorable to enzymes.
Bfactory was founded as a private company in 2000 and in this early start-up phase of the company we aimed for registration of our products as medical products, requiring clinical research and case studies.
Laying upon ourselves these strict requirements before launching our products, proved Tineke’s and Willem-Jan’s confidence in the knowledge and products developed!
It clearly sets Bfactory products apart from all other products using honey as an ingredient. This special honey composition is now defined as ‘medical grade’ honey and has been Bfactory’s best kept secret for more than 20 years now.
The first products in human professional medical wound care were introduced under the Revamil brand in 2004, growing still in applications and international distribution.
For veterinary use Vetramil was developed, including adaptions made for ‘ease-of-use’ on all kinds of livestock and pets.
Latest brand Dermagiq offers a range of over-the-counter products, specially aimed at smaller, but inconvenient skin problems like skin irritations caused by eczema and other skin disorders, abrasians, etc..
As the Bfactory company grew, the small scale production in The Netherlands became insufficient for the increasing product demand. In search for the best possible environment and availability of professional beekeepers, Bfactory honey is now collected in other areas of Europe in remote regions still rich and abundant with the right flora needed. No pesticides are used and the honey is collected at specific time slots to meet the composition required. Strict quality tests further ensure the honey with the correct composition is used for Bfactory products and that no chemical residues are present.
The bee colonies are taken care of by professional beekeepers, working in a traditional way, respecting nature bee health.